Bom infelizmente o Danny tem estado menos bem. Primeiro apareceu-lhe um eczema por trás do joelho. Depois um dia destes andava a correr pela casa como de costume e tropeçou nos próprios pés, acabando por torcer o pézinho direito. É assim, às vezes em situações bem mais perigosas não se magoa (felizmente claro), e normalmente quando se magoa é assim numa situação em que não haveria grande razão.
Depois apareceram-lhe umas borbulhas no peito e nas costas. Pensei que fosse varicela, mas não. É um outro virus mais inofensivo, que afecta as crianças entre os 6 meses e 2 anos de idade, normalmente causa febre baixa (o Danny felizmente não teve febre nenhuma), e dura 2 ou 3 dias. As borbulhas felizmente não causam comichão.
No dia em que apareceram as ditas tinhamos consulta na médica de família por causa do eczema. Entretanto no dia anterior ele tinha torcido o pé, por isso ela também lhe examinou o pé, para além de diagnosticar a causa das borbulhas.
Para além disto tudo, ele ainda tem um dentito a romper que o tem incomodado um pouco, e devido ao qual esteve um pouco assadinho. Enfim, não foi uma semana fácil para ele, habituado a estar sempre a 100% porque é raríssimo estar doente. Mas felizmente já está melhor. O eczema está a responder muito bem à medicação, as outras borbulhinhas já começaram a desvanecer, e em relação ao pézito, tem andado a coxear, mas hoje já se mexeu muito bem mesmo. É ainda de referir que nem com o pé torcido ele ficou sossegado em cima do sofá, na cadeira ou no chão... não... passou os dias a pôr-se de pé para tentar andar, e depois ficava de pé, só com um pé no chão porque o outro lhe doía e lá pedia ajuda a mamã... isto nos dias em que esteve pior, porque depois começou a coxear... tem bichos carpinteiros o meu filhote... ;) :D foi um bocado frustrante pra ele, mas a verdade é que não nos podemos queixar com este tipo de problemas de saúde menos sérios... podia ser bem pior...
Desculpem o texto estar um bocado confuso, mas estou cansada e o meu cérebro está a funcionar devagarinho... ;)
beijinhos a todos :) xxx
Yeah, time flies and I've been quite busy, and the result is at site: 2 weeks without updating. So here goes...
Danny hasn't been doing so well. First he got an eczema behind his knee. Then one of these days he was running around the house as usual, and he stumbled in his feet and twisted the right ankle. Sometimes he gets himself in dangerous situations but (fortunately of course) always gets out without a scratch, and then he ends up getting hurt like this, doing normal things... ironic...
Anywayz, next he showed up with a bunch of pimples on his chest and back. I thought it was chicken pox, but no... we had an appointment at the GP's (because of the eczema) the day that the pimples appeared, so she took a look and explained it was a less severe virus that children catch usually between 6 months and 2 years old, and causes light fever (Danny never had any fortunately). Also the pimples don't itch - great. She also examined his foot and said he should be walking by the weekend, which did happen.
To top all this, the little fellow has a tooth coming out which has been bothering him quite a bit, including giving him a rash. So it hasn't been an easy week for him who is never sick, so is used to feeling 100%. But fortunately, everything is getting better, including the foot - today he already walked quite well, though still limbing.
I just want to add that, even when he twisted his ankle, he never just stayed put in a chair or the sofa or even the floor ;) He had to keep trying to stand-up all the time, and he would manage, except then he needed help 'coz he could only stand in 1 foot. A bit frustrating the whole process for him, but yeah, it happens, and it's definitely a blessing that these are all-in-all not really serious health troubles.
Overall busy busy weeks, but everything OK in the end! :) Sorry for the bad text... I'm tired and my brain is slow... off to bed :p
kisses xxx
Danny hasn't been doing so well. First he got an eczema behind his knee. Then one of these days he was running around the house as usual, and he stumbled in his feet and twisted the right ankle. Sometimes he gets himself in dangerous situations but (fortunately of course) always gets out without a scratch, and then he ends up getting hurt like this, doing normal things... ironic...
Anywayz, next he showed up with a bunch of pimples on his chest and back. I thought it was chicken pox, but no... we had an appointment at the GP's (because of the eczema) the day that the pimples appeared, so she took a look and explained it was a less severe virus that children catch usually between 6 months and 2 years old, and causes light fever (Danny never had any fortunately). Also the pimples don't itch - great. She also examined his foot and said he should be walking by the weekend, which did happen.
To top all this, the little fellow has a tooth coming out which has been bothering him quite a bit, including giving him a rash. So it hasn't been an easy week for him who is never sick, so is used to feeling 100%. But fortunately, everything is getting better, including the foot - today he already walked quite well, though still limbing.
I just want to add that, even when he twisted his ankle, he never just stayed put in a chair or the sofa or even the floor ;) He had to keep trying to stand-up all the time, and he would manage, except then he needed help 'coz he could only stand in 1 foot. A bit frustrating the whole process for him, but yeah, it happens, and it's definitely a blessing that these are all-in-all not really serious health troubles.
Overall busy busy weeks, but everything OK in the end! :) Sorry for the bad text... I'm tired and my brain is slow... off to bed :p
kisses xxx
Espero que ele fique bom depressa
Felizmente, como tu mesma dizes, não é nada sério.
Olá Joana
É uma delícia o seu texto. As pequenas grandes desventuras dos nossos meninos, deixam-nos assim inquietas, desassossegadas, e com o coração a tremelicar... mãe é assim mesmo Joaninha....
felizmente foi um susto pequenino!!!
beijinhos par ambos.. e tem cuidado Danny, não tropeçes nos teus próprios pés... é uma verdadeira trapalhada eheheheheheh
Rosa Maria
Olá Joana,
Pois é... As aventuras do Danny! :) Ainda hoje estive a imprimir umas fotos dele e a espalhar pela casa e foi bommmmm olhar para esse sorriso delicioso e malandro de olhos lindos, azuis - calma. Bom...parece que não é o caso :))
As melhoras, Danny e tem cuidadinho... (pois, pois...)
Beijinhos doces***
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